There are several common types of disease that is always found to be associated with bearded dragon health. For example, the loss of appetite, lethargy or not having bowel movements can be due to brumation and skin shedding. This makes diagnosis of bearded dragon illness difficult.
Even this bearded dragons are hardy animal, there are common health problems that may be found in this reptile pet in the captivity.
The most feared health problems by the pet’s owner where the indigestible large food or substrates causing blockage in bearded dragon intestinal tract.
Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD)
Due to insufficient calcium intake or inaccurate cage lighting setup. Cause softening of jaw bones, deformities in tail and spine, not growing at normal rate, fractured limbs, and be able to move.
Bearded dragon may be hurt by sharp thing inside the cage or not being handling well; or fighting between 2 or more male dragons in the same cage.
One of the rare health issues associated with bearded dragons. This happen when external parasites feed off the blood of bearded dragon.
Tail Rot
When the bearded dragon’s tail tip is darken and get infected. If not treated early, the tail may drop eventually.
Coccidia is a type of micro-parasites that is found in intestinal tract of bearded dragon, causing stomach pain, diarrhea, fluid loss and make it hard for your dragon’s system to absorb food.
If the condition is severe, the best approach is to bring your pet to seek vet’s help. This is avoid unnecessary misjudge of the illness and wrong medication intake by bearded dragon. Take good care of the pet, and most of the diseases can be avoided.