In the pet market today, the two common types of lighting options that are always used for the bearded dragon vivarium are UV-A and UV-B lights. As diurnal animal, bearded dragon needs the UV-A and UV-B rays.
UV-A rays can be provided together with the basking lights at the same time. Another type of light is UV-B light which is vital to the bearded dragon health.
UV-B light is brighter and it can help stimulate the appetite of the bearded dragons. Another advantage of UV-B lights is providing energy for the formation of vitamin D which is necessary for metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. It increases the calcium dissolve and utilization of the calcium that bearded dragon consume, and reduce the risk of metabolic bone disease.
There are bulbs that are made to emit UV-B rays, designed for reptile pets that can be used for bearded dragon. A better source of UV-B is the sunlight. Florescent lights and mercury-vapor light are designed to generate UV-B rays as well. They can be used for the bearded dragon. In wild, sun light is the main source of UV-B rays for bearded dragon. Do expose your pet dragon to the sun once in a while.
Mercury-vapor is the stronger type of UV-B emitter, yet providing high temperature as well. Many claim that this type of options is good for bearded dragon because it help lighten up the colour of the morph, better appetite and more active. However, it might be too hot if your pet cage is small. Use it will care.
The maintenance of lighting is essential to keep your bearded dragon healthy. Even the bulbs or lights are not burnt out; it might be malfunction in generating UV-B rays. Try to change your lights once a year to make sure that your UV-B lights are still functioning well.